Cedrix Bernard, North Carolina Real Estate Advisor

Cedrix Bernard
North Carolina Real Estate Advisor
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Paracle
NC 316164

If there is a way to get the house of your dream. If I don't know I'll find out. I obsess with giving my clients all the information so that they make the right decision.

Helping people is one of the things that I like to do. With over 10 years of experience doing real estate in the North East of the United Estates I noticed that many people do not have a clue of the real estate buying and selling process. My real estate experience has allowed to take what I have learned and teach it to my clients. The most important aspect as a real estate advisor is to make sure that my clients are aware of what they are doing and gain the right knowledge to make the best decision of what steps to take at every part of the transactions.

Ayudar a las personas es algo que siempre me a gustado. Tengo mas de 10 años de experiencia in la industria de bienes y raíces en los Estados Unidos. En mis años de experiencia he notado que la mayoría de personas no tienen idea de como funciona el proceso de compra y venta de propiedades en los Estados Unidos. Con la experiencia adquirida me he dedicado a enseñar mis clientes como funciona el mercado y  educarlos en todos los aspectos necesarios e importantes para que sus transacciones sean transparentes y sencillas.

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Sample Mortgage Rates

For 2/06/2025

30 Year Fixed
15 Year Fixed
7/6 ARM

For general informational purposes only. Actual rates available to you will depend on many factors including lender, income, credit, location, and property value. Contact a mortgage broker to find out what programs are available to you.

Mortgage calculator estimates are provided by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC and are intended for information use only. Your payments may be higher or lower and all loans are subject to credit approval.

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